New Moon Dark Moon
Thank you to everyone who stopped by my first Bi-monthly Moon Sale last week. I hope your purchases bring you much empowerment in the weeks and months to come!
Yesterday was the New Moon we were planning for. Time to set those intentions for what we want to grow and bring into our lives!

Remember, the message I got for this month is time to love ourselves a little bit more. One way this can present itself is in looking ahead to what it is we really, deeply, madly want for ourselves. Let’s imagine our spring, before winter even comes to us. Let’s spend this fall in gratitude and anticipation. Let’s go inside our minds, inside our hearts and examine the ways we may talk ourselves out of what we desire and clear that stuff! Let’s find what it is that makes us blissfully happy!
Satori Spiritual Center in Hereford PAWe did our monthly Candle Class and Intention Setting at last night. It was such a beautiful class, and I do hope if you are local you can stop by sometime! What was very evident last night was this: even though all of us had very different things going on in our lives, it seemed that each of us got messages that applied to all of us. We are all always learning and growing in our lives. And it is so beautiful when we can see that we all have these similar patterns, fears and things we need to shed. We also all have similar strengths and gifts that we often need to be reminded of. We are all so connected and I just love it!

As we made our candles, discussed intentions and read cards for each other, these words came to me, and they became our mantra for the night!
I wanted to share them with you, because I feel like they are for everyone.
Dark Moon by Staci Louise Smith
Dark Moon to Bright Moon
Bring Peace to me
Bring me a future I cannot see
Guide in ways that abundance will grow
Show me the way that my inner self knows
Reveal me these treasures, these gifts in my life
And aid me to clear anxiety and strife
I trust in myself
I trust in all
I will rise up
And I will not fall.

Ok, so back to my (no longer) Bi-monthly Moon Sale.
I knew this online sale would evolve and change and I already am feeling like 2x a month is a lot for me, and also for you guys. SO- what I want to do for now is to do a New Moon Sale each month. It will follow the same pattern. I will pull cards, do a video and have items for sale made just for the event.
The Video that introduces the cards and allows me to talk about each piece of jewelry will be on this page each month. So life and follow that page for up to date info and videos!
The actual items for sale will be listed in this group Monthly Moon Sale after the video, allowing for better viewing of the pieces then the video does. Make sure to request to join group, I approve everyone. There are also rules and FAQ listed so you can become familiar with how the sale works.

On the full moon I would like to do a live video and have discussions about how you have seen your intentions begin to grow or bloom in the past month, or what blocks came up and what you think they mean. I will also do live card pulls at the time and maybe we can talk dream interpretations and other ways we are receiving guidance.
Truly, my hope is that we can begin to get a bit of a following so we can encourage each other, help each other and uplift each other to aid in working through the things that hold us back from having everything we need and want in our lives.
I am also excited to create items specifically for each event. Creating art with purpose and specific energy is something I have always loved. I jumped on art challenges online all the time, because I loved creating something beautiful within a theme or guideline. This however is even better, because I know these items will become talismans for you guys, and help to give you some focus and energy on your journey- whatever that is for you!
Anyhow, thank you so much for following along and for allowing me to be real. I often go back and forth with thinking I should be more “businesslike” but I just can’t do it. I am a mom of three teens, three rescue dogs, a rescue parrot and the hubs and I are both self-employed. Most days my life is a swirl of chaos and I just need to roll with it. I think its valuable to share that with you all, because I KNOW I am not alone in that! We are all here to learn from each other, share, love and heal.
I have also started an Instagram Art Challenge for this month. Its called the October Witchy Art Challenge. It is open to all art genres and each week has a new theme. All you have to do is post your original creations within that theme and tag them accordingly. Week One was Raven....

Week Two (current week) is the Moon......

Week three is Tree's and Week Four is the elements (earth, air, fire water). The guidelines are pretty flexible to allow for the most creativity. You do not have to create new things for this challenge, though I hope you will be inspired to. You can post these things all month, and as many as you like. Tag each photo with a link to me @stacilouiseo and also with #octoberwitchyartchallenge and the weeks theme like this #owacmoon (since it is moon this week), along with any other tags you would like. Please follow my Instagram if you do not already (stacilouiseO) and follow the tag #octoberwitchyartchallenge so you can find like minded, autumn / october loving witchy vibing artists like yourself!
My goal this year with the Instagram challenge and live videos is to bring people together- whether it is sharing your spiritual journey, or your art......connection is what is on the menu because I love connecting with new people and seeing what else and who else is out there being amazing! We all have so much to offer each other!

Thank you again for following me, for enjoying my art and being part of this beautiful community of artists and friends. You guys are awesome and I hope all your intentions for this New Moon come to fruition!